Friday 23 September 2016

Inspirational Week of Maths

This week we have been doing lessons from the Inspirational Week of Maths on  The key concepts we have been learning during the activities are:
  • Having a growth mindset for mathematics is important. We can all learn math to any level we choose. Self belief is really important.  
  • Math learning is best when we have opportunities to make connections between pictures and numbers. It is good to draw and to try to understand mathematics visually.  
  • Math should never be associated with speed. Students should always pause for refection and take time to make sense of the math they are learning.
Here is a photo of the activity from Lesson 1 called Four 4s. Using only four 4s we had to write as many statements as we could which equalled the numbers 1-20.

1 comment:

  1. it was so hard but we did it :P saffron and ruby
