Tuesday 6 September 2016

Winter Sports Day

Winter Sports Tournament took place on Tuesday 23 August at the Motueka Rec Centre, fields and courts.  Our children played many games of netball, soccer and hockey and all seemed to have an awesome day! Below is a photo of one of the hockey teams. This team got second over all. Thanks so much to all of the parents who supported teams by taking by coaching, managing or taking transport. You are all amazing!


  1. Well done to the hockey team! You were amazing - awesome teamwork! From Julie

  2. Great work. You guys were awesome! Julie

  3. Amazing hockey playing guys!!! Loved the team playing smiles!!!!!!

  4. Thanks for sharing your amazing work in Turama everyone - what a super space! (Bree - Harriet's Mum)

  5. Great job from LB (Liana)
